Avril Hollings Psychotherapy and Counselling

Psychotherapy  Counselling. city road practice room

Psychotherapy and Counselling

I work with clients in person, online (Zoom) and by phone. 

If you'd like to talk with me about whether psychotherapy or counselling may help or about working in one of these ways, please email: avrilhollings@virginmedia.com or leave me a message on 020 8444 0670

Daytime and evening appointments

Psychotherapy and counselling both offer a safe, confidential space in which to explore particular difficulties and strategies for coping with these. They can also offer an opportunity to increase our understanding of ourselves and range of options in the world.

My Approach
I'm an Integrative Psychotherapist and my approach is relational. I see working with clients as a collaborative endeavour. I begin by discussing and agreeing with clients the focus for our work together, and encourage an on-going conversation about how the work is going.

Sessions are confidential and I discuss confidentiality at the start of the work. Generally sessions are weekly.

Psychotherapy and Counselling can help with:

  • stress
  • anxiety and depression
  • self esteem
  • feeling stuck
  • creativity
  • dealing with transitions and change
  • difficulty expressing or managing feelings
  • relationship issues
  • work issues
  • trauma
  • isolation
  • loss

    On-going Psychotherapy
    On-going psychotherapy provides the opportunity for in-depth exploration of patterns and ways of relating. It allows for the gradual addressing of trauma, hurt or loss, as well as increasing insight and options, within an on-going therapeutic relationship. The length of the therapy is negotiated, reviewed and agreed between therapist and client.

    Short-term Psychotherapy and Counselling
    When there is a particular issue, crisis or situation which is causing difficulty, I also work with clients on a short-term basis. These kinds of issues include:
  • work related problems
  • loss and bereavement
  • making a decision
  • relationship issues

    Short-term work gives an opportunity to talk about an issue in a supportive environment, identify coping strategies and explore your options and needs for further support.

    Where do I go from here?
    For more information, to discuss what you are looking for, or to arrange an initial session, please feel free to call or email me.


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